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Polish Principal Investigator of the project

Dr hab. inż. Zofia Łapniewska

Dr hab. inż. Zofia Łapniewska

She is a senior lecturer at the Institute of Economics, Finance and Management of the Jagiellonian University. She conducts research in the fields of ecological economics, feminist economics and (new) institutional economics. She became interested in the subject of energy, and in particular the energy transformation, during a postdoctoral fellowship at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2012/13), devoted to research on commons. Her next internship, already at the Technische Universität Berlin (2014), served to deepen her knowledge of the activities of energy cooperatives in Germany, and her fieldwork was focused on one particular cooperative - BürgerEnergie Berlin. The results of this research were published in the Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management (2019). The topic of energy cooperatives - already on a wider European scale - remained the subject of her subsequent research - this time at the London School of Economics and Political Science (2015) - where she dealt with the gender perspective in these organizations and activities for greater participation of women in their structures. The results of her research were published in the journal Energy Research & Social Science (2019). She is currently working on articles summarizing the results of research both on large cooperatives and, more broadly, on the energy transformation.

Selected recent publications: 

  1. Kasznik, D. & Łapniewska, Z. 2023. The end of plastic? The EU’s directive on single-use plastics and its implementation in Poland, Environmental Science & Policy 145: 151-163.  
  2. Łapniewska, Z. 2022. Solidarity and mutual aid: Women organizing the ‘visible hand’ urban commons. Gender, Work & Organization 29(5): 1405-1427.  
  3. Łapniewska, Z. 2021. Urban Commons: Building a ‘Communal System’ of the Future. Social Policy Issues 55(4): 48–74. 
  4. Łapniewska, Z. 2019. Energy, equality and sustainability? European electricity cooperatives from a gender perspective. Energy Research & Social Science 57: 101247. 
  5. Łapniewska, Z. 2019. Cooperatives governing energy infrastructure: A case study of Berlin’s grid. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 7(2): 100094.  

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German Principal Investigator of the project

Prof. Dr.Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch

Prof. Dr.Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch

Claudius is Assistant Professor of Pluralist Economics at the European University Flensburg, Germany, and Research Associate at the Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. In addition to his interest in the philosophy of economics, he has worked on the topic of comparative economic development, with a particular focus on the role of technological change and structural interdependencies.

Claudius is the Principal Investigator for the project in Germany. Building on his previous work on economic polarization and development models in the EU, he will focus on the analysis of how structural characteristics and interdependencies determine the distribution of opportunities and challenges of the European green transition at the meso and macro level.

Selected publications:

  1. Gräbner-Radkowitsch, C. & Strunk, B. (2023). Degrowth and the Global South: The Twin Prooblem of global dependencies. Ecological Economics, forthcoming.
  2. Gräbner-Radkowitsch, C., Hager, T., & Hornykewycz, A. (2023). Competing for Sustainability? An Institutionalist Analysis of the New Development Model of the European Union. Journal of Economic Issues, 57(2), 676–683.
  3. Gräbner-Radkowitsch, C., Heimberger, P., Kapeller, J., Landesmann, M., & Schütz, B. (2022). The evolution of debtor-creditor relationships within a monetary union. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 62, 262–289.
  4. Gräbner-Radkowitsch, C. (2022). Elements of an evolutionary approach to comparative economic studies: Complexity, systemism, and path dependent development. In B. Dallago & S. Casagrande (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Comparative Economic Systems (pp. 81–102). Routledge.
  5. Gräbner, C., & Hornykewycz, A. (2022). Capability accumulation and product innovation: An agent-based perspective. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 32(1), 87–121.
  6. Aistleitner, M., Gräbner, C., & Hornykewycz, A. (2021). Theory and Empirics of Capability Accumulation: Implications for Macroeconomic Modelling. Research Policy, 50(6), 104258.
  7. Gräbner, C., Heimberger, P., Kapeller, J., & Schütz, B. (2020). Is the Eurozone disintegrating? Macroeconomic divergence, structural polarisation, trade and fragility. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 44(3), 647–669.
  8. Gräbner, C., Heimberger, P., Kapeller, J., & Schütz, B. (2020). Structural change in times of increasing openness: Assessing path dependency in European economic integration. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 30(5), 1467–1495.

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Project contractor

Dr Maciej Grodzicki

Dr Maciej Grodzicki

I am a staff member of IEFiZ at the Jagiellonian University, as well as a graduate of economics at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication at the Jagiellonian University and sociology at the Rev. J. Tischner WSE in Krakow. I defended my PhD in economics in 2016 at the Cracow University of Economics. My research interests have so far focused on international inequality, global supply chains and economic development in peripheral countries. I have conducted sectoral and macroeconomic research, embedded in the currents of heterodox economics (evolutionary and post-Caleckian economics), oriented towards developing recommendations for industrial policy in the country. Through experiences and inspiration gathered from working with environmental movements and labor unions, my research has evolved into ecological economics and radical political economy. Accepting the profound interdependence of environmental, social and financial processes, I seek solutions for a sustainable and equitable economy in the spirit of degrowth. As part of my public activism, I am a board member of the Polish Economics Network and an activist with the Workers Initiative trade union. I run the Facebook blog "Economics gone awry." (Direct translation of the blog is a play on words: "The economy has gone into the woods")

Selected publications

  1. Grodzicki, M.J. 2022. Rynkowa gra w (k)lasy, w: Jasikowska, K., Pałasz, M. (red.), Za pięć dwunasta koniec świata. Kryzys klimatyczno-ekologiczny głosem wielu nauk. Kraków: Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Biblioteka Jagiellońska, s. 349–376.
  2. Grodzicki, M. J., Możdżeń, M. 2021. Central and Eastern European economies in a Goldilocks age: A model of labor market institutional choice. Economic Modelling, 104, 105626.
  3. Grodzicki, M. J., Skrzypek, J. 2020. Cost-competitiveness and structural change in value chains–vertically-integrated analysis of the European automotive sector. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 55, 276-287.
  4. Grodzicki, M. J., Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J., Kostera, M., Lubacha, J., Krzemińska, K., Łapniewska, Z., ... & Wójcik, G. 2020. W jaki sposób pandemia COVID-19 wpływa na sytuację ekonomiczną i psychospołeczną studentów? diagnoza i rekomendacje. Raport z projektu finansowanego ze środków SocietyNow!#1 w ramach programu Inicjatywa Doskonałości w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim [link].
  5. Grodzicki, M. J. 2018. Konwergencja w warunkach integracji gospodarczej: Grupa Wyszehradzka w globalnych łańcuchach wartości. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.

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Project contractor

Dr Judyta Lubacha

Dr Judyta Lubacha

Dr Judyta Lubacha is a researcher, works as an assistant professor at the Department of Economics and Innovation of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland). Her research is focused on innovative activities of enterprises including eco-innovations and regional development. Granted by many scholarships and research grants for project in regional development: PRELUDIUM grant financed by the National Science Center (‘Socio-economic environment in a region and types of innovation activity of enterprises’); DAAD Research Grant for PhD students and young scientists (‘Intellectual Capital of the European Union Regions’); Polish National Bank Research scholarship for PhD students; Special Award of the Minister of Regional Development in the competition of master's theses "Now Poland Promotion". Her newest research area is related to sustainable development and circular economy.

Latest publications:

  1. Lubacha, J. (in print), The economic dimension of sustainable development. In: Organizing Sustainable Development Edited By A. Kuźniarska, K. Mania, M. Jedynak. Routledge.
  2. Lubacha, J. (2023), The Role of Regional Intangible Assets for the Innovation Activity of Enterprises: The case of Polish Regions. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, doi:
  3. Lubacha, J., Wendler, T. (2021), Do European Firms Obey the Rules? Environmental Innovativeness in Light of Institutional Frameworks. Industry and Innovation, doi:
  4. Lubacha, J. (2021), Znaczenie otoczenia społeczno-gospodarczego dla działalności  innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstw. Polska na tle wybranych krajów Unii Europejskiej (The role of a socio-economic environment in an innovation activity of enterprises : Poland against the background of chosen European Union countries). Kraków:  WUJ. ISBN: 978-83-233-4989-1
  5. Lubacha, J. (2020), The Role of Cooperation on the Innovation Activity of Enterprises. Case of Polish Regions, Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis, 13(1), 19-34
  6. Lubacha, J. (2019). Regional innovation systems of Polish regions. [in:] A. P. Balcerzak, I. Pietryka (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applied Economics Contemporary Issues in Economy: Economics. Institute of Economic Research, Olsztyn, pp. 226-231.

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PhD Candidate

David J. Petersen, MA

David J. Petersen, MA

David J. Petersen, is a socio-economist and currently a PhD candidate and research assistant at the Assistant Professor of Pluralist Economics at the European University of Flensburg. His research focuses on future-fit economies and pluralist economics, sustainable urban development, public science, socio-ecological transformation and post-growth. Previously, he was a researcher at the Norbert Elias Center for Transformation Design & Research in a transdisciplinary project with the city of Flensburg on sufficiency-oriented urban development and the implications of sustainable land policies. He is also co-founder of Economists for Future e.V. and co-editor of a debate series in Makronom magazine.

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PhD Candidate

Damian Tomczyk, Ma

Damian Tomczyk, Ma

Damian Tomczyk, MA - a Polish member of the project - is a graduate of the Institute of Economics, Finance and Management at Jagiellonian University. His previous scientific work, i.e. thesis, thematically referred to the economics of sustainable development mainly in the aspect of clean and accessible energy. The following were treated: a bachelor's thesis entitled "The analysis of the situation on the renewable energy sources market in Poland following the example of the photovoltaic market in years 2015-2020" and a master's thesis entitled "The diagnosis of the level of development of Polish energy clusters". In both works the author showed the possibilities of transformation of the Polish energy sector. He became interested in this subject mainly as part of his work experience (2020/2021) and participation in the energy market as a renewable energy prosumer. He is currently working on articles summarizing the results of the research gathered in his thesis.